RWA001-A - Vault Status - Wed Oct  9 12:00:02 PM UTC 2024

Token (ASCII):          RWA001-A
ilk (hex - base16):     0x5257413030312d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
                        (Click for verification. This should match RWA001-A)
                        (The association between ASCII <===> hex - base16 will never change)



      --->   OK (e.g. Good Standing)
      --->   LIQUIDATED
      --->   ERROR
      Note: See below for logic details

art:    13764209680369078818456184
rate:   1106975654955214586526805700
spot:   16299893185222593795000000000000000
line:   15000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Current Debt Outstanding (DAI) = art * rate / 10^45 =   15236645.00 (click to confirm math)
Current Debt Ceiling (DAI) = line / 10^45 =             15000000.00 (click to confirm math)


For 3rd party confirmation, goto EtherScan - 0x35d1b3f3d7966a1dfe207aa4514c12a259a0492b
  --->    Then click ilks
  --->    Then input 0x5257413030312d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (same as above)
  --->    Verify the same art / rate / spot / line 

Interest Rate History:
Q3: 0.03000
Q4: 0.03000

Q1: 0.03000
Q2: 0.03000
Q3: 0.03000
Q4: 0.03000

Q1: 0.03000
Q2: 0.03000
Q3: 0.03000
Q4: 0.03000

Q1: 0.03000
Q2: 0.03000
Q3: 0.03000
[Q4: 0.05000] - Subject to satifaction of the conditions set forth in the credit agreement
	Note: Previous rate 0.03000 + (Maximum Quarterly Rate Change per Credit Agreement of 200bps) = 0.05000 
(See below for additional information)

[Q1: 0.07000] - Subject to satifaction of the conditions set forth in the credit agreement
	Note: Previous rate 0.05000 + (Maximum Quarterly Rate Change per Credit Agreement of 200bps) = 0.07000
(See below for additional information)
[Q2: 0.09000] - Subject to satifaction of the conditions set forth in the credit agreement
	Note: Previous rate 0.07000 + (Maximum Quarterly Rate Change per Credit Agreement of 200bps) = 0.09000
[Q3: 0.09000] - Subject to satifaction of the conditions set forth in the credit agreement
(See below for additional information)

Below links for reference:

Per the MakerDAO voting portal:
    Please note that the onchain Stability Fee is a technical artefact and does not always represent 
    the effective interest rate applied offchain, please see the following information from the 
    original proposal:
    As per the terms of the credit agreement, the rate of the loan from RWA Master Lending Trust to 
    6s Capital Partners LLC can increase at a maximum quarterly rate of 2.00%. As such, the Q3 2024 
    rate will be 3.00%; the effective rate will then change to 5.00% for Q4 2024, followed by 7.00% 
    for Q1 2025 and 9.00% for Q2 2025 until the maturity of the loan in July 2025. This rate increase has 
    been previously discussed with 6s, who has confirmed that the new rate is acceptable and can be 
    supported by the underlying portfolio.


Interest Rate (Example: 0.01 = 100bps = 1.00% APR) =    0.090000   (click to confirm math)
duty =                                                  1000000002732676825177582095

For 3rd party confirmation, goto EtherScan - 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1
  --->    Then click ilks
  --->    Then input 0x5257413030312d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (same as above)
  --->    Then (duty / 10^27)^(24*60*60*365)-1 to get the Interest Rate


DAI Savings Rate (Example: 0.01 = 100bps = 1.00% APR) =    0.055000   (click to confirm math)
dsr =                                                      1000000001697766583380253701

For 3rd party confirmation, goto EtherScan - 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7
  --->    Then click dsr
  --->    Then (dsr / 10^27)^(24*60*60*365)-1 to get the Interest Rate


RWA001-A Vault Liquidation Status {good()}: (GOOD or LIQUIDATED)

0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 = STATUS: GOOD (boolean =TRUE)
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 = STATUS: LIQUIDATED (boolean =FALSE)
All zeros (or boolean =FALSE) means the vault has gone from liquidation TRIGGERED to liquidation CONFIRMED.
For 3rd party confirmation, goto EtherScan - 0x88f88bb9e66241b73b84f3a6e197fbba487b1e30
  --->    Then click good
  --->    Then input 0x5257413030312d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (same as above)
  --->    If boolean is True, then the Vault has NOT been liquidated.

RWA001-A Vault Liquidation Triggered?

tau:    2592000
toc:    0

If toc is ZERO, a liquidation has NOT been triggered.
If toc is NON-ZERO, a liquidation has been TRIGGERED and countdown to a Liquidation has started.
When NON-ZERO, a cure() transaction must be submitted by MKR governance to return toc back to 0, else vault will be liquidated (Liquidated FALSE).
For 3rd party confirmation, goto EtherScan - 0x88f88bb9e66241b73b84f3a6e197fbba487b1e30
 --->    Then click ilks
 --->    Then input 0x5257413030312d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (same as above)
 --->    Verify the same toc 



    OK (e.g. Good Standing):
     --->    IF (no ERROR) AND IF ((toc=0) AND (liquidationstatus =TRUE) and IF ((Current DAI Outstanding < Debt Ceiling))
     --->    liquidationstatus =FALSE
     --->    (toc >0) AND (liquidationstatus =TRUE) AND (Current DAI Outstanding < Debt Ceiling)
     --->    (Current DAI Outstanding > Debt Ceiling) AND ((toc >0) AND (liquidationstatus =TRUE))
     --->    (Current DAI Outstanding > Debt Ceiling) AND ((toc =0) AND (liquidationstatus =TRUE))
     --->    (liquidationstatus =FALSE) AND (Debt Outstanding =0) AND (Debt Ceiling =0) AND (toc =0)
     --->    (liquidationstatus =TRUE) AND (Debt Outstanding =0) AND (Debt Ceiling =0) AND (toc =0)
     --->    IF liquidationstatus is empty (null)
Last Update: Wed Oct  9 12:00:02 PM UTC 2024
Latest Block Number: 20927892